Purpose Planner & Wellness Tracker

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RX5 - The 5 Step Reflective Notebook

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Reflective Journal Purpose Planner

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Our Mission

Manifesting Universal Spiritual Healing one step at a time. MUSH Inc. is a brand dedicated to creating and developing tools that support mental clarity, emotional mastery, de-programming, and daily productivity.

MUSH. Inc is proudly Black female owned!

Our brand has a special focus on improving the mental & emotional wellbeing in the black community.  Studies have shown that due to stigma and lack of not being able to properly identify symptoms of mental health issues, prevented many black adults from seeking out mental health resources and services. In efforts to support those in need,  we wanted to provide in hand reflective tools that help you identify why you think and feel the way you do and let go of anything weighing you down in 5 steps!


Productivity is our daily policy!

Plan your day your way by planning with purpose. MUSH Inc. Purpose Planning Sheets & Wellness tracker was crafted to promote planning with purpose & track your wellness. Intentionally set your daily goals with actionable steps to achieve success.  Our Health & Wellness tracker ensures that your daily physical, spiritual, emotional and mental needs are met.   We are proud to offer 3 products crafted for productivity and wellness tracking.


Reflection will guide you in the right direction.

Coming face to face with our thoughts and feelings can be uncomfortable.  Truth is, most of us have been conditioned to hide our discomforts.  Shining light on the thoughts and feelings hiding in our shadows helps us identify why we operate the way we do and let go of anything holding us back from our true self.  MUSH Inc. reflective products feature a 5 step guided practice to review your thoughts, feelings and triggers and let go of anything weighing you down.

Bundle and Save

Triple your dose of reflection and productivity with these bundle deals.

Relaxative – Reflective Journal & Purpose Planner


The 5 Step Reflective Notebook


The 5 Step Reflective Notebook & Purpose Planner bundle


Welcome Warrior

Are you looking for mental clarity & emotional mastery?
Are you ready to plan with purpose & track your daily wellness?

Best Sellers

Coming face to face with our darkness and light helps us understand why we operate the way we do and let go of what no longer aligns with our true self.

  • <strong>Purpose Planner Sheets &amp; Wellness Tracker (size: 5.25x 8.25)</strong> Plan your day your way by planning with purpose. Our Purpose Planning Sheets &amp; Wellness tracker promotes planning with purpose &amp; tracking your daily wellness. Intentionally set your daily goals with actionable steps to achieve success. Our Health &amp; Wellness tracker ensures your daily physical, spiritual, emotional and mental needs are met.
    <li>Dimensions: 5.25 x 8.25</li>
    <li>Cover material: Scuff proof matte laminate</li>
    <h5><strong><span style=”color: #363635;”>Includes end of day reflection &amp; daily motivational reminders!</span></strong></h5>

  • $50.00

    Double your dose of reflection and productivity with this tag team duo deal. Receive one 5 Step Reflective Notebook and one Purpose Planning Sheets & Wellness tracker pad (size 5.25″x8.25″) for $55.00!

  • $100.00

    Take 5 steps to self reflection & discovery with our 3 month bundle deal.
    Receive three 5 Step Reflective notebooks for $100.00! ($11.00 savings!)

    • Cover Finish: Matte laminate * Scuff proof
    • Book Dimensions: 8×10
    • Binding: Durable wire binding (conveniently sized to fit most pens/pencils)

    Includes end of day reflection & daily motivational reminders!

  • $125.00

    Relax and triple your dose of reflection and productivity with our 3 month bundle deal
    Receive 3 Relaxtative Reflective Journal & Purpose planners for $125.00! ($10.00 savings!)

    • Cover Finish: Matte laminate * Scuff proof
    • Book Dimensions: 8×10
    • Binding: Durable wire binding (conveniently sized to fit most pens/pencils)

    Includes end of day reflection & daily motivational reminders!
